Best thing to do when you're alone.
Boys mostly hit the website and you know what i mean do some hand practice, but if we generally talk of cases when feel alone.
Then, what to do..
What to do..
Google it.. what to do..
We have lot of work pending.. but still..
What to do?
Now, 5 things you can do when you feel alone.
Note: Before going through any of tip, just DRINK 3-5 GLASS OF WATER. I will tell you later, why.1. Open the blog and start typing something.
This is really something that works. If you write and that thing just comes out of your mind. You are actually not alone.
There are two persons. The first is mind, you, And second is your brain which your mind wants to be. Both seems same but are intelectually different.
2. Go outside and find group of children playing in park. Talk to them, you wont event remember when you were alone.
Bring the child out of you. Its really healthy as well as your brain escapes from your present and brings back the energetic hormones back.
3. Play of your favorite tracks you usually listen when wear earphones while sleeping.
Now, sit in a calm and relaxing posture, take the breathe in, hold it for 20 sec. Release.
Do it 15 times. Then, you are gonna tell people tips when they are upset or feeling lonely.
4. Call that friend which usually talk ls to you. Or never talks to you.
Better, call that person which you feel is scariest one.
Because everyone has experienced it the person who really seems defensive as well as you cant talk to him or her, is the one person who talks most.
5. Do something really new. Really new means one the thing which you have never done in 2018-(your birth year).
For example, i have never made any youtube video ever in my life.
So do it.
Its time.
This time wont come back.
Do it like its yo
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